Using the Library
Signing into your Library Account
Library customers may access their borrowing records, reserve books, renew currently checked out books, review books and create booklists by signing into their account in the Library Catalog. To sign in click here, then enter your library card number and the phone number that we have in our records.
Borrowing & Checking Out
Get a Library Card
Who may have a card?
Library cards with borrowing privileges will be issued upon request to residents of the City of Piedmont and surrounding Oklahoma communities. Cards will be issued to all individuals having attained the age of three years. Children under the age of eighteen must have a parent or guardian signature to apply for their library cards.
Carry your library card.
To prevent someone else from checking out materials on your card, you should have your card with you to transact all business. We understand that occasionally customers forget to bring their cards, so you may checkout materials without your card on a limited basis. We strongly urge you to bring your card with you every time you come to the library.
How many items may be checked out at one time?
- The limit per card is a total of 10 items at any one time.
- Books, magazines, audiocassettes/CDs, videocassettes/DVDs, CD-ROMS, and audio book kits all have a limit of 4 items per type per card at any one time.
Checkout Time
Most items check out for 14 business days.
Renew Items
An item may be renewed 1 (one) time if no other customers are waiting to use it.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
A customer’s borrowing privileges will be suspended if the following limits have been reached:
- Items overdue more than 90 days
- 4 or more items claimed returned
- $30.00 or more in outstanding charges
- An insufficient check is not paid three (3) days after the customer is notified.
Borrowing from Other Libraries
Items can be borrowed from other libraries through an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) process. A $5.00 request origination fee is required at the time a request is submitted. This fee will be used to pay for return postage and handling. If the library is unsuccessful in obtaining the material, the $5.00 fee will be returned to the customer. Turnaround time is usually 10 to 20 days. Checkout time for ILL materials is 2 weeks or more if allowed by the lending library. The late fee for ILL materials is $5.00 per item.
Meeting Rooms
The library has one meeting room available for use by the public. The room should be scheduled in advance by calling 373-9018 and speaking with a librarian. The room seats between 30 and 35 people at 5 tables. Limited kitchen facilities are available.
Rooms used during library hours are free of charge to non-profit organizations; however, if refreshments are served, a $10.00 fee is applied. For-profit groups may rent the room during library hours for a $10.00 per hour fee. If applicable, the refreshment fee is added.