“October” Translates to “Hula Hoop”

We have a couple of spots left for our Ladies’ Night event on October 26th. We present Kelsey Hoops, fitness instructor, specializing in Hula Hoop exercise. She will share her personal health story as well as show participants proper form, carriage, and usage of hula hoops. (And yes, you can, too, do this!! We’re all going to look silly, so join us!) It’s going to be a blast, a fun-filled evening, starting at 6pm and costing only our traditional entry: $5 and a snack to share, because after hooping, ladies need nutrition. Call the library now at 373-09018 for reservations as space is limited.

For more health related library events and a gander at October’s busy calendar, our newsletter is the best place for quick information.