Library Hours

Library policy mandates that our hours follow school closures, therefore today we are closed.

BUT. It’s not from a lack of trying!

One of your humble librarians tried desperately to claw her way there, but alas, fell like a lump of Spam to the ground while trying to scrape the front windshield.

Humbling, hurtful, yet hilarious, her injuries inspired whining and the immediate chugging of Advil and Dr Pepper.

That announced, all library events are cancelled this week because of just such occurrences across the prairie.

If I can make it in today, I’ll do it. I’m going to try again this afternoon, but if I do slide in, I’ll only stay a couple of hours as it’s supposed to start precipitating…sometime…who knows when, really, it’s Oklahoma.

Please stay inside, stay warm, and we’ll see you when the world thaws.